Richardson Strong Signs

You may have noticed these signs in Richardson neighborhoods. The North College Park Neighborhood Association purchased several of these signs and they are $10 each with all proceeds going to the The Network of Community Ministries.  If you want a sign for you yard, please contact Janice Gromadin at

April Newsletter


As I write this the news is much better than we feared. While things are not yet back to normal, we believe that some of the restrictions will be relaxed soon. We will all have to adjust to a new normal.

Thanks to the great response in the neighborhood and I know that we have been pulling together. Please continue to be aware of your neighbors and be prepared to lend a hand, if you are able, and if not report a problem. Keep checking on your neighbors, particularly the ones who are elderly and live alone. That quick phone call, text or email can make a world of difference.

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March Newsletter


What a difference a month makes. The virus is having a profound impact on everyone; however, I am confident that will all pull together and get through this.

One of the great benefits of our community is the fact that we can pull together in times like this. It’s important to be aware of your neighbors and be prepared to lend a hand if you are able and if not report a problem. We have elderly residents and some who live alone. Stay in touch with your neighbors and be alert to any possible problems. A quick phone call, text or email can make a world of difference. We all must go to the store and we can pick up an item or two for a neighbor who can’t get out as easily. You can also make up a plate for a neighbor who is not able to cook.

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National Emergency

One of the great benefits of our community is the fact that we can pull together in times like this. It’s important to be aware of your neighbors and be prepared to lend a hand if you are able and if not, report a problem. We have elderly residents and some who live alone.

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February Newsletter

Over 50 Flags Waving In North College Park!

We are excited to report that so far over 50 of our neighbors have signed up for the new Flag Program as a part of their membership in the North College Park Neighborhood Association!  Our goal is to enhance and show our community spirit! If you have already renewed, thank you! If not help us reach our goal of 100 flags this year!  You can renew your membership or become a new member and join the flag program now! You will get 5 flag placements beginning with Memorial Day.  Go to our website and sign up today!

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Crime Patrol Class

Please consider joining the Crime Watch Patrol.

Class set for March 25th, from 6pm to about 9:00pm

Read below for more information or take a look at our Crime Watch Patrol recruitment video at the following link.

The Crime Watch Patrol program asks citizens to volunteer as little as an hour a month to drive your neighborhood, reporting anything suspicious that you may see. The City of Richardson supplies Crime Watch Patrol signs for each group to use on their vehicles. The continued visible presence of an active group of citizens sends the message to would be criminals in the area that their presence will be reported immediately. This risk of apprehension can be an effective deterrent to crime. 

Each applicant will need to complete the online application at here and pass a background check before attending a Crime Watch Patrol training class. 
If you have any questions, contact the Crime Prevention Unit at 972-744-4955.