Pictures from 4th of July Picnic and Parade

Thanks to everyone who participated and  worked hard to make the Parade and Picnic a success.   A special thanks to the Richardson Police department who escorted the parade and stayed for the picnic.  Troop 777 provided a flag detail and carried the colors.  Lillian Catalina sang the National Anthem.   Pete Catalina was able to locate a four piece brass ensemble who played during the event.  Doug Freeman was our master of ceremonies. Caryl Knapp and Sandy Bowen judged the parade entries and handed out the awards. Janice Gromadin, James Williams and Russell Bowen took pictures. John La Greca and Phyllis Slaughter prepared the food. Pat Lewis organized and led the games. Walt Gromadin and John Slaughter assisted with logistics.  If I missed anyone, please accept my apology.

The pictures may be found here.

Thanks to James Williams, Janice Gromadin and Russ Bowen who took the pictures.


National Night Out

National Night Out

If you did not attend National Night Out on October 6th at Jess Harben Elementary which was produced by volunteers from North College Park, College Park, Town North and Glenville Park Neighborhood Associations, then you missed a great night of fun and fun. Continue reading