Attempted Break in on Spring Valley Rd.

We have a report of an attempted breakin at a residence on Spring Valley Road on Friday January 29th around 9:00PM. This is an unusual time and the police surmise that the individual responsible was surprised by the returning residents.

Keep your vehicles and gates locked and install motion sensing lights.

Please be alert and report any suspicious activity to the police. If it seems odd or out of the ordinary, call 911 and tell them what you saw or heard.

Yard of the Month September



September 2017 Winners

Most of our neighbors can literally “smell” Fall in the air, and lawns can feel it too!  Many of the summer flowers are giving their last burst of energy before the cooler weather sets in.

This month’s winners were chosen for the meticulous grooming they have done, and contine to do, with their yards, as well as some interesting cultural schemes and foliage.

We are pleased to announce the Yard of the Month winners for September 2017.


1st Place – Paul and Kathy Groebe – 1005 Windsong 
Winner of a $25 Bruce Miller Nursery Gift Certificate



Runner-Up – Jennifer Bromberg – 1119 Morningstar
Winner of a $10 Isabelly’s Gift Certificate

NOTE:  The Yard of the Month selection is made by a Committee of your North College Park neighbors:  Caryl Knapp, Janice Gromadin, Vicky and Don Bean.  The Committee looks at flower colors, neatness of grass and hedges, yard art, and curb appeal when judging the Yard of the Month.  If you would like to join our Committee, please contact Caryl Knapp at


Yard of the Month August

Amid all of the showers and pop-up squalls that North College Park has experienced lately, it is a wonder most of our lawns have survived both the heat and the large amounts of water run-off!

However, the Yard of the Month Committee found several yards that still maintained their mid-summer budding beauty, partly due to the obvious meticulous grooming by the homeowners.

We are pleased to announce the Yard of the Month winners for August 2017. Continue reading