Board Members Elected at Neighborhood Association Meeting

The NCPNA Annual All-Residents Meeting was held at Jess Harben Cafeteria on Tuesday, May 12. About 40 residents attended the meeting and enjoyed the Quiznos sandwiches and drinks provided by the NCPNA.

We had a social at 6:30PM. and then a short business meeting at 7:00PM. This meeting was combined with the May Crime Watch Patrol Meeting and thanks to the many patrollers who attended. The new Board of Directors for 2015-2016 was elected as follows: Russell Bowen, Sandy Bowen, Doug Freeman, Janice Gromadin, Walt Gromadin, Lynn Neill, Mike Petree, Dick Rawlings, John Slaughter, and Gary Vaughn.

After the business meeting we had a guest speaker, Michael Spicer, Director of Development Services for the City of Richardson. Mr. Spicer gave a very informative update on the Main Street/Central Expressway Study and the City Line Development.

The meeting concluded with drawings for door prizes from the local businesses including: The Line, Amigos, Bruce Miller and Quiznos.

We appreciate all the efforts of our Crime Watch Patrollers and the current Board of Directors and we need more volunteers to help us make our events and projects bigger and better. If you have ideas and time we need you! Share your ideas and help us continue to improve our neighborhood and build a sense of community!